It listens to your favorite social platforms and notifies you of important stuff using customizable, secret Glowe Codes that you create.
Buy NowYour secret Glowe Codes made of light, color, pattern, sound and vibration will take on meaning. Instead of reading a message or notification, you will sense them.
Connect with your friends to create and send secret Glowe Codes. Customize notifications from your favorite social platforms. Set up Glowe Alerts for calls and texts on your phone.
Glowe Codes made of light, color, pattern, sound and vibration take on meaning.
Glowe listens for activity and acts as a filter on four of your favorite social platforms.
Send and receive secret Glowe Codes with friends using Sense-Based messaging.
The Glowe device easily pops out of the band to make it simple to switch colors. Pre-orders are now being taken for new colors!
Simply release the device from the interchangeable band and plug into any USB receiver. Battery life varies by user - lasts 2-3 days under normal use.
Glowe is a customizable experience. You set your own combination of color, pattern, sound and vibration for each social platform. When Glowe detects activity, it will play your customized Glowe Code.
With Social Connect, your customized Glowe Code will represent the specific platform. But you will be able to filter notifications from each platform and choose which friends are able to activate your Glowe device.
Unique to Glowe is the ability to chat with text messages or unique Glowe Codes. To create a new Glowe Code, type the message the code will represent, assign a vibration and three different light and color patterns. Save it and send it to friends. Your app will remember any Glowe Codes that you send and any that you receive.
It's kind of like morse code, except the Glowe Codes are only known to you and your friends. When you receive one, it will appear in your chat and immediately play on your device. Once you receive one a few times, you will automatically remember what it means. It's what we call Sense Based Messaging. And your app will remember any Glowe Codes that you send or receive so you can always review and replay them.
Yes, the Glowe device is currently shipping with the white band. Separate black and red bands are available now in limited quantities and we are taking pre-orders for new colors that are on the way.
A USB charger is built in. Simply stretch the band and the device can easily be removed for fast charging. The battery life will vary based on usage and settings but usually lasts 2-3 days.
Currently, the Glowe app is only available on the Apple App Store. Watch for updates on social media for the future launch date of Glowe on the Google Play Store.
Your Glowe device will arrive powered off – one short press will power it on and will be confirmed by a green Glowe logo crossing the light array. Power your Glowe device off by pressing the button for 5 seconds – success is a red Glowe logo crossing the light array. When powered on a single press will show the battery level and nd two quick presses will send the light array into Light Show mode.
Your Glowe device is splash proof but not water proof. Make sure you don't allow your device to be immersed in water.